Library News
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On January 23, 2025 Dover Sherborn “Challenge Success”, Dover Town Library, Dover Church, Pilgrim Church and Sherborn Library hosted an engaging panel discussion about the 2024 book, The Anxious Generation: How the...
On Tuesday, January 21, 2025 the Sherborn Library Board of Trustees voted to close the Library to the public on Monday's and close at 6pm on Tuesday.
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The newly renovated and expanded Sherborn Library opened its doors in Spring 2023. We are seeking a temporary, part-time Library Assistant to work hours...
Head over to to secure your spot! Craft and food vendors welcome as well as food trucks, young entrepreneurs, and local community organizations. Register today!
Did you know that Holliston & Sherborn used to be one? Why did they split 300 years ago?! Join us for a look back at this historic event. Presentation led by each Town'...
The newly renovated and expanded Sherborn Library opened its doors this Spring. We are seeking a part-time, non-benefited 16-hour a week, Technology Library...
From September 30 - October 30, bring your gently used Halloween costumes to the Library for our Halloween Costume Swap! Don't have a costume yet? Stop by and see what we have available....
Update 8/8/2024
Since construction began Monday 6/17, roundabout construction has been going well and we remain on track to be substantially complete and re-opened for drivers by the first day...
On Wednesday, April 3 the Sherborn Library, the Sherborn History Center & Museum and the Sherborn 350th Celebration Committee co-sponsored a program led by Dr. Christoph Strobel, professor of history at the...
On Tuesday, March 12 the Sherborn Library, the Sherborn History Center & Museum and the Sherborn 350th Celebration Committee co-sponsored a program led by retired Stanford history professor Dr. Estelle Freedman. She ...
On Tuesday, February 27 the Sherborn Library, the Sherborn History Center and the Sherborn 350th Celebration Committee co-sponsored a program led by local resident, Doug Brown, entitled, "Honoring Indigenous History: the Eliot Indian...
The Arts and Crafts Fair, which is organized and run by the Friends of the Sherborn Library, began as an annual event in 1972. Held in the scenic Boston suburb of Sherborn, MA,...
The Sherborn Library renovation has created an opportunity for residents to make a gift that honors their family or loved ones. The new landscape plan includes a wide variety of plantings and...
The Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on April 29th was a beautiful event and a huge success! For those who couldn't make it that day, (or anyone who'd like to relive the moment
) please see the video posted by Dover Sherborn Cable!