Library News

  • Washington/Maple Street Intersection Re-construction
    Washington/Maple Street Intersection Re-construction Banner Photo

    Update 8/8/2024

    Since construction began Monday 6/17, roundabout construction has been going well and we remain on track to be substantially complete and re-opened for drivers by the first day of school, August 28th.   The concrete sections of the truck apron around the roundabout were completed the first week of August and require a full two weeks to cure prior to being opened to traffic.  Paving is nearing completion and final detail work on items such as signage, splitter islands and pavement markings will be completed over the last two weeks of August. 

    Maple street continues to be closed at both ends to through traffic from Western Avenue because there is no outlet at Washington.  It is open to local traffic for residents on Maple Street and connected neighborhoods and related deliveries and services.   

    Washington Street is blocked and detoured down South Main Street to Sawin Street.  Access to Town Hall continues to be open slowly going around the barricade to access Town Hall off 16 from the Holliston direction. Sanger Street remains blocked to through traffic, but open to local library, Church and Community Center access.  Please take caution and slowly go around the barricade preventing through traffic, to access Library, Church and Community Center.

    Update 8/1/2024

    Paving will be happening on Monday, August 5. Access to the Library may be limited depending on the timing of the paving. Town Hall entrance will be closed at some point, but access to Pilgrim Church lot should be available all day. 

    Update 6/20/2024

    Over the next week there is work being done on Sanger St. You should still be able to park in the Pilgrim Church lot, but we'd suggest that you park in the Town Hall / Police Station lot over the next week. Washington Street is blocked and detoured down South Main Street to Sawin Street, but it is ok to slowly go around the barricade to access Town Hall off 16 from the Holliston direction. 

    Wondering how to get to the Library during road construction?

    -- If you are coming down Rt. 16 from Holliston, go around the barrier at Sawin St. - you can still access the Town Hall / Library Parking Lot.

    -- If you are at the bottom of Sanger St. / Rt. 27, go around barrier to park in the Pilgrim Church Parking Lot or in the two lots along Sanger St.

    Questions? Give us a call! 508-653-0770

    Please be aware; re-construction of the Washington Street-Maple Street intersection (Roundabout) will begin on or about May 13th. The first phase of the project will have little to no effect on traffic flow as the work will be limited to areas off the road (the lawn in front of the Library and Town Hall, and the roadway shoulder in front of 12 Washington street).

    On or about June 17th, the intersection will be closed to traffic.  Washington Street will be blocked and detoured down South Main Street to Sawin Street. Sanger Street will be blocked and only used for library, Church and Community Center access.  Maple Street will be blocked with only local access allowed.

    The intersection construction is expected to be substantially complete and re-opened to traffic by mid-August, prior to the first day of school.   

    Detour Map - Washington/Maple Intersection Reconstruction

    As more information becomes available it will be posted on the town’s website and shared via social media channels.